Greetings gardeners! I've missed you....I've been weeding, pruning and watering the veggie and herb garden in this nonstop Texas heat. It's really a big commitment and acceptance of the crazy heat in order to garden these days...it seems the only payoff is a dripping wet shirt and brow :/
Wait...that's not true..(the heat must have hurt my judgment). The payoff is delicious tomatoes! Delicious cayenne peppers! and much much more!!
However, today...we are celebrating CORN!

This season, I've had my hand (for the first time) growing our nations very favorite food...corn. Specifically, I've been growing and nurturing organic
'marian jewels sweet corn'. This unusual sweet corn produces yummy deep and hearty sweet corn with a dense rich purple cob (seeds certified organic by the Oregon Tilth).
As I nurtured and observed the marian jewels start maturing...I grew amazed by the deep purple stalks loaded with dangling cream pollen.
The silky flowers begged to be pollinated and over the course of a few weeks, they were! Thank you bees!!

So, for about a month, I would feel how the corn was getting along....thin ears of corn grew more solid and hearty. The more solid and full the better. I just kept wondering what was inside!! I was so excited about the corn.
Then, one day...just yesterday, in fact...my curiosity drew to a close. I harvested and I held my breath as I peeled back the purple jeweled leaves revealing amazing gorgeous corn!! I did it!! I grew organic corn. Who knew a former city dweller like me would eventually grow and enjoy her own corn?
Well.....speaking of enjoying...

So...I lightly steamed my corn... and took a cue from Rick Bayless....I added yummy homemade cream dressing with my own ground red peppers (from last year's jalapeno and red pepper harvest) and just dove in!!!

Enough said.
Grow you're own food. It's worth it. And it's soo sooo So So GOOOD!!!!
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